OnJanuary 16, Bodhi Health Management Group, School of Medicines of TsinghuaUniversity and Chinese Hospital Association jointly set up the "ResearchCenter of Health China Leadership" in Tsinghua University.They will carryout a series of cutting-edge training for Chinese medical service managementpersonnel and young and middle-aged key physicians, aiming at integratingsophisticated healthcare resources and guide the development of healthindustry.
Withthe continuous development of economy and the improvement of people'slivelihood, China's healthcare industry faces great changes. Withissues such asthe continued promotion of urbanization, aging population, and ecologicalenvironment deterioration, the contradiction between the imbalance of medicalresources and the increasing health demand of patients is increasinglyprominent.
Onthe other hand, the quality of domestic medical resources varies, and we areshort of high-end health care teams and talents, making it harder to meet thedemands of patients. It is of great significance for the whole health industryto build an agency to integrate and cultivate healthcare talents, and the"Research Center of Health China Leadership" was established underthat background.
At the conference, Mr. Fu Gang, Vice Director of the "ResearchCenter of Health China Leadership", Chairman of Bodhi HealthManagement Group, said China’shealthcare industry was facing many challenges and opportunities. In terms of thehuge population, China's high-quality medical resources are very scarce. Topromote the construction of "Research Centerof Health China Leadership" is to build the leading force of healthcare and make good example for thewhole Chinese healthcare industry.
It’s known that "ResearchCenter of Health China Leadership" will carry out professional trainings for medicalservice management personnel and young and middle-aged key physicians, which includes launching the "Health ChinaLeadership" series of forums and seminars annually for hospital andmedical health industry leaders; taking advantage of translational medicine andinterdisciplinary research to cultivate research-based clinical medical subjectleaders for various professional fields of clinical medicine; cooperate withoverseas well-known medical institutions to conduct translational medicine mastereducationfor high-quality, young and middle-agedkey physicians.
Itis reported that Bodhi Health Management Group will spend 10 million yuan topromote the launch of "Research Center of Health China Leadership"program, which willguaranteethe smooth running of the institution. According toChairmen Fu Gang, through the high level forums and training education, it willcultivate a group of outstandingresearch-based clinical medical subject leadersand excellent hospital management personnel for China’s healthcare industry,and will guide the sustainable development of whole healthcare industry.
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